OSU Extension Food Preservation Resources (2 page handout) - includes list of food preservation industry contacts for equipment, ingredients and other supplies.
The National Center for Home Food Preservation
- USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, revised 2015
- So Easy to Preserve by Andress and Harrison, University of Georgia Extension Service, Sixth Edition, 2014 - to order the book online
Fact Sheets: To find directions and recipes for canning, freezing or drying foods, visit OSU Extension's website ohioline.osu.edu and click on "FOOD". Here is a sample of Fact Sheets that you will find on ohioline.
- What To Do When Your Freezer Stops, HYG-5357-15
- Freezer Storage, HYG-5402-15
- Freezing Cooked Foods, HYG-5308-15
- Freezing Fruits, HYG-5349-15
- Preserving Uncooked Jams and Jellies, HYG-5348-15
- Freezing Vegetables, HYG-5333-15
- Freezing Meat, Poultry and Game, HYG-5334-15
- Canning Basics, HYG-5338-15
- Basics for Canning Vegetables, HYG-5344-15
- Basics for Canning Fruit, HYG-5343-15
- Jams, Jellies and Other Fruit Spreads, HYG-5350-15
- Canning Tomatoes, HYG-5336-15
- Canning Tomato Products, HYG-5337-15
- Salsa: From Garden to Table, HYG-5339-15
- Canning Meat, Poultry and Game, HYG-5330-15